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Reviewing a candidate’s hard skills is often fairly simple; they either have the experience you need, or they don’t. But determining whether an applicant will fit into the company’s culture isn’t always as easy.

Employees that are a cultural match are more likely to stay with an organization long-term, and they are often more satisfied with their work. In fact, their performance is often better as well, so a good fit can even help your bottom line.

How do you review candidates to discover whether they will be a great culture fit? By asking the right questions.

Describe your ideal workplace.

Having candidates describe their ideal workplace can help you understand what they value while they are working. Some may describe a physical space while others may focus on a feel. Regardless of their approach to the question, you will gain insight regarding whether their ideal workplace and the one your company offers have the potential to provide a match.

Was there anything in your last (current) workplace that didn’t (doesn’t) work for you?

Asking this question helps provide the counter to their first description while also touching on real issues they likely encountered. When a candidate describes an ideal workplace, they may reference situations they have experienced or describe an environment they have only imagined. Asking them to describe situations that didn’t work well for them in the past helps fill in the gaps regarding whether anything is present in your company that would prevent them from flourishing, or even fitting in.

Describe your ideal manager.

Some employees prefer their managers to be very hands-on while others seek empowerment to work independently. And putting a new employee under a manager that does not match this desired leadership style may only lead to conflict and frustration.

If an employee needs clear direction and regular guidance, they won’t be happy working for a manager that tends to let employees spread their wings. Essentially, instead of feeling empowered, the employee may just see their manager as aloof. In contrast, a highly involved manager may be ideal for those who crave direction but might come off as micromanaging to employees that are used to a level of freedom.

How would you feel in this work space? Have you worked in a work space like this before?

This gives you a chance to describe some of the idiosyncrasies of your company that may not be apparent based on what the candidate has had the chance to observe. For example, some employees may love an open work space that encourages collaboration while others flourish when they can focus in a quieter or more private area.

Following the first question up with one designed to confirm whether they have actually worked in something similar lets you know if their assessment is experienced-based or an assumption. While both are valid, those with prior experience are not likely to set themselves up for failure if they know an environment will not work for them.

These questions also give you the opportunity to speak about the work environment with the candidates. It’s important to remember that while you are evaluating them, they are evaluating you (and your company). If a candidate doesn’t think the cultural fit is right, you both may be better served if they are not selected.

Are you looking for talented individuals to join your team?

If you are looking for a new employee to join your team, and want additional focus on cultural fit, Resolution Technologies has the experience you need to help find the right fit for your workplace. Contact us and speak with one of our recruitment specialists today.
