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Every professional knows that submitting a quality resume is only the beginning. Once you are contacted for an interview, you are presented with an opportunity to allow more than your skills and experience do the talking. If you want to give yourself the best chance of landing your perfect IT job, consider the following tips to make your interview memorable for all of the right reasons.

Dress Appropriately, but with a Hint of Personality

While everyone knows that dressing properly for an interview is critical, many professionals assume this means that you must adhere to generic standards in every choice. Instead of blending in with the interviewing masses, express your personality in a subtle, tasteful way. Consider a unique lapel pin, an interesting (but appropriate) tie, or a subtle earring that pays homage to something close to your heart.

Not only can this provide a natural conversation starter, it can help you be seen as a whole person and not just an automaton there to perform.

Tell the Story of How You Ended Up in the Interview Seat

When faced with the inevitable, “Tell me about yourself,” at the beginning of the interview, consider it an opportunity to do more than recite your resume. Include a brief explanation of what piqued your interest in the field, if there was a particular event or person who helped you decide to take this path, and what led you to believe this job is ideal for you.

While you don’t need to cover every detail of your childhood, explaining the origin of your interest in the field can indicate your level of passion for the work. It also provides an indication as to what continues to drive you to move forward in your career.

Your Greatest Weakness Should Include an Action Plan

When asked about your greatest weakness, many candidates end the conversation after identifying the issue. Instead of leaving your weakness hanging awkwardly hanging in the air, immediately follow it up with an action plan.

In this context, the action plan should be a brief overview of any steps you have taken, or plan to take, to turn this weakness into a strength or, at least, a non-issue. For example, if you are not comfortable speaking in front of large groups, you may include information about how you are intending to take a public speaking course from a local college or university, or have decided to join an organization that helps professionals learn to speak more comfortably in front of groups. While the answer to the question is covered, you have also demonstrated that this is not a weakness you intend to keep.

If You Don’t Have an Answer, Explain How You Would Find It

It is not uncommon for technical interviews to ask you about your understanding of specific terms or procedures. If you are faced with a question that you do not know the answer to, do not be afraid to admit that you don’t know.

Often, it can be more beneficial to admit a lack of knowledge in a specific area than try to fake your way through an answer (and possibly be completely off base).

With that, stating your lack of understanding should not be the end. Instead, explain what steps you would take to find the answer should the specified issue arise during the flow of a normal workday. Not only can this show your humility, it also demonstrates how you tackle issues for which you do not already have an answer.

Are you looking for you next job?

If you are looking for more tips to help you excel in your next IT interview, or are interested in finding a new position, the professionals at Resolution Technologies can help get your career in gear. Contact Resolution Technologies today to see their experience can work for you.
